Tuesday, May 28, 2024

Themes in movies or stories in general and how to design a character

 My all time favorite movie is The Sound of Music.

As the title implies, the theme is about how music brings about positive change specifically love in the loves of the characters.

The message is that music is the language of love. Music helps Maria channel her love for God into the love for a family. Her misbelief is that she is meant for a life of service to God as a nun and therefore must not love a man.

Why Did My Doctor Leave? the moral of the story is this: Do not make excuses to support people of bad character. In the long run, the harms outweigh the benefit.

The theme: Smart people know who's most valuable and who is worth supporting. The story questions how we decide who is most valuable. Should our loyalty be to doing the right thing or to a person or organization?

For Richard, his misbelief is that loyalty to a person or organization especially when financially advantageous, is the right thing to do even if morally wrong. He has grown up that way, heavily under his father's influence, knowing that his father is a womanizer and has ill-treated his mother and step mother.

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